martedì 3 ottobre 2017

PES 17 - Team Editor Manager 2017 Final Version Test

Version 3.1.0
I rebuilt the tool again because I had many reports and I tried to make a definitive version. if there are no big problems I will use this version for pes 2018. I ask you to try the tool and leave a feedback. there are some things to add as the import function so I ask you to be patient. more feedback will be given and the version for pes 18 will be released.
if you don't like this version I will always leave links to the previous versions
if you want to share the tool on your site/forum leave the same link, thanks

password: lagun-2



3 commenti:

  1. mano essa versão ta cheio de bug.....perdi 2 trabalhos ja com esse programa....fora q nao busca jogador nem times, arruma isso ai parça.

  2. so amazing tool bro...can you add option EDIT00000000 & impoting appearances, teams, & players

    1. I'm also working for import but EDIT0000000 won't implemented
